Teaching people how to use computers and laptops in many different ways,
such as:
- Starting up equipment
- ‘Surfing’ the Internet with a web browser program
- Zooming web browsers in and out
- Setting up a ‘home page’
- Blocking annoying adverts
- Using iPads and Android tablets
- Downloading things from the Internet
- ‘Burning’ (i.e. creating) CDs and DVDs
- Copying files, creating folders, renaming files and folders, etc.
- Buying things online
- Using e-mail
- Dealing with ‘spam’ (unwanted rubbish e-mails)
- Writing letters and other documents
- Creating spreadsheets
- Setting up simple databases
- Making presentations
- Encrypting office documents
- Transferring photographs from camera to computer
- Viewing Google Maps and StreetView
- Editing photographs
- Filing official forms online (such as tax returns)
- Security basics
- Simple programming (also known nowadays as ‘coding’)
- Shutting down equipment (nicely, and by force if necessary)